
Nick has a professional background in addictions work, criminal justice, and corporate and organisational development. Writer, organic farmer, and lover of the outdoors, he is a longstanding guide and companion to men and women going through periods of significant personal transformation who are seeking a path of genuine reconnection, to Self and Soul through the wisdom of the natural world.

His life’s work, whether on the farm, in 1-2-1 practice or when holding group retreats, is rooted in his relationship with the land, its rhythms, seasons, and cycles.

His work is dedicated to teaching, supporting, and promoting the principles, values and behaviours that uphold this way of understanding and being in the world with the view that these perspectives have much to teach us today about how to live in a respectful, creative, and fully participative way at a time of global transformation.

3 Responses to About

  1. Thanks for the poems.


  2. Wendy Bowers says:

    Hello Nick, Lisa Gordon (Courage and Renewal) has introduced me to your website and work.
    I’m a Courage and Renewal facilitator in training living on the Lancashire Moors. I’ve spent many years running hard, in the wrong direction. Hopefully now I am walking slowly, in the right one.
    I’d love to talk to you about the work I am trying to develop which encourages those ‘runners’ to discover or re-discover the art of reflection, which I believe is sadly lacking in our way of life.

    In their haste to reach the next exciting event in life

    The next lottery draw
    The next night out
    The next concert
    The next holiday
    The next promotion
    The next house
    The next car
    The next love.

    They forgot………

    That life is made of slow and steady heartbeats.

    Between each heartbeat there is time to……

    Share a smile
    Receive a kiss
    Sip fine wine
    Feel the sun
    Snap a wishbone
    Smell cut grass
    Tickle your child
    Laugh out loud

    Or softly sigh.

    And so they raced
    And so they died,
    Without ever having lived.

    Live every moment………
    In the moment.
    It’s where the momentous things happen.

    Wendy Bowers 24.8.17
    On the Gorple loop above Worsthorne.


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